Belatedly Knight of the month Stephen Higgs - August 2024.
4th degree Knights being lead into the exemplification by the Knights Color Guard.
Sir Grand Knight Leo asking Santa for presents!
Mr. and Mrs. Clause, Father Aldrin and helpers!
Santa and helper.
Gifts for needy children this holiday season!
Gifts for needy children this holiday season!
Happy Birthday Father John!
Happy Birthday Father John!
Worthy Brother John helping at Raise the Roof fundraiser!
Worthy Brother Patrick Emcee'ing at Raise the Roof fundraiser!
Maria and Worthy Brother Jim helping at Raise the Roof fundraiser!
Worthy Brother Chris helping at Raise the Roof fundraiser!
Father John being thanked for his efforts at the Raide the Roof fund raiser!
Brother Jim always willing to lend a hand!
Worther brother helping with a smile at the Raise the roof fundraiser!
Worthy Brother Patrick actually sitting and enjoying the fruits of his labors!
Sir Grand Knight Leo promoting the baby bottle initiative to help young mothers in need.
Winners of the Sacred Heart School Baby Bottle fund raising challenge - the 3rd grade! Congratulations!
Sir Grand Knight Worthy Brother Joe during the October NSB Beach clean up!
Depend on the Knights to help serve at the Community Hot Meals Program!
Sir Grand Knight Leo sharing his thanks to Louie for volunteeering 30-40 hours a week here at Sacred Heart, St. Gerard and Sacred Heart School. Thank you Louie!
Worthy Brother Roland leading Council 4934 into the Annual State Convention, 2024.
Color Guard at attention during the opening ceremony of the State Convention.
Sir Grand Knight Leo with old friend and Worthy Brother Bill at the state convention.
Worthy Brothers entering the convention.
Father McGivney, the founder of the KofC!
This student with Principal Labreche and Worthy Brother Derek getting trophy for best student in the state in the annual soccer challenge!
The wonderful Coach Call with the #1 student in the state in the soccer challenge along with Council leaders!
Sir Grand Knight Leo Congratulating fellow Brother Father Aldrin for his 25 years in the priesthood.
Sir Grand Knight Leo Congratulating fellow Brother Father Aldrin for his 25 years in the priesthood.
Faithful Navigator Bob Gillikin addressing Council 4934 at our May 2024 Meeting.
The KofC were honored to display the St. Joseph Icon at a student Mass at Sacred Heart.
Sir Grand Knight Leo addressing the students during the display of the St. Joseph Icon.
The St. Joseph Icon entering the church.
The St. Joseph Icon
Worthy Brothers guarding the icon.
Worthy Brothers guarding the icon.
All worthy brothers from our Council 4934 supporting the St. Joseph Icon student Mass.
Sports award ceremony.
Sir Grand Knight Leo and Worthy Brothers Patrick and Derek awarding certificates to those children from Sacred Heart School who placed in our Soccer and Basketball Shootout!
Sports award ceremony.
Worthy Brothers Leo, Patrick and Derek at the Soccer and Baskeball awards challenge ceremony!
Worthy Brothers Patrick, Leo and Derek at the Soccer and Basketball awards ceremony.
Parish priests Aldrin, John (Pastor) and Charlie enjoying Casino Night.
Worthy Brothers cooking and serving food for our Parish Bingo Night. Sacred Heart Bingo is every Monday Night in the Social Hall.
Delayed recognition for our Council 4934 getting star council in 2014. Presented to Grand Knight Gary Conroy.
Worthy Brother's John, Jerry and Joe lead the Tootsie Roll Drive in NSB at the Car Show in Feb 2024!
New members entering the Sanctuary
New members entering the Sanctuary
New members
New members
Worthy Brother Patrick did a fine job as the Presiding Officer.
Worthy Brother John espousing the virtue of Charity - the first pillar of our Order.
Worthy Brother Stoney espousing the virtue of Unity - the second pillar of our Order.
Worthy Brother John espousing the virtue of Fraternity - the third pillar of our Order.
New members holding their new Rosaries.
New members take their oath to the order.
New members receive their piece of string, soon to be broken, signifying how weak we can be if we don't 'Unify' and work together.
Shane illustrating the strength of Unity, many small fibers make a very strong rope! Unified, we are strong!
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New member receiving his KofC Pin.
New members and their 'pinners' at the end of the pinning ceremony.
District Deputy John offer his congratulations to the new members!
Father Aldrin offering his blessings to the new members and all attendees.
Grand Knight Leo offering his welcome and thanking Council leadership for their help.
Grand Knight Leo recognizing Council leadership for their help.
Existing members congratulate the new members.
Existing members congratulate the new members.
Existing members congratulate the new members.
Existing members congratulate the new members.
Existing members congratulate the new members.
Existing members congratulate the new members.
Celebrating Christmas at the Autism Society of Greater Orlando (ASGO) event. ASGO is a beneficiary of our annual Tootsie Roll Drive!
Tootsie Roll Drive benefitting the NSB Miracle League.
Past and current Grand Knight Danny Aloise and Art Klobacar and award for Excellence in Membership for 2020.
LIFENET, together with New Calvary Baptist Church, led one of the largest groups in the Montclair 4th of July Parade!
Our witness is so important because Montclair is home to an abortion facility where thousands of babies are aborted every year and where abortions up to 24.6 weeks (over 6 months!) are advertised matter-of-factly on their website!
Along the parade route we got just a few jeers from pro-abortion people, but surprisingly, we also got LOTS of cheers and even some enthusiastic encouragement from people saying "Thank you for marching!"
Knights of Columbus, New Smyrna Beach FL
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